What exactly does the SEO (search engine optimization) service that Paraphrase-Online.com provides to its clients? Do you have to pay extra for something extra for additional SEO activities? Why positioning is not an instant service and the SEO contract itself lasts up to 12 months? We take a closer look at popular questions that our account managers meet.
Website positioning service is more than just a one-off website review – audit, even in the extended variant combined with the preparation of optimization recommendations. The positioning performed by SEO specialists from Paraphrase-Online.com begins with an audit of the website itself and the links. The information obtained during them becomes the basis for preparing a positioning strategy including elements such as:
– website optimization, e.g. in terms of speed of operation,
– optimization of meta tags for the
entered in the contract,
– preparation and implementation of
unique, optimized and appropriate length content
on the website,
– linking divided into stages and
diversified in terms of type and source of links,
– redirection,
– introducing improvements and
changes suggested by Google Search Console.
The above list of works is not closed, but contains only examples of activities. A set of positioner works is created for a specific case – the individual needs of a given site. The type of access to the page at the disposal of the SEO specialist is also significant. Full access to the website is very useful for the comprehensive provision of SEO services.
The positioning strategy may change during the contract period. This is due to, among others from observing changes in the algorithm, the website’s response to actions applied by its SEO specialist, or the quality of competing websites. If the positioner observes that the competitors of the website they are dealing with increases the amount of content on their websites, they may, in response, recommend the introduction of larger pools of text also on the website which is under his care. It may also propose the creation of new subpages, e.g. a blog on a website, which will serve as a space for systematic publication of new texts supporting the positioning process.
We are aware that surprising additional expenses during the term of the contract is not what our customers want. To spare them such unpleasant surprises, already at the stage of presenting the offer and packages for SEO activities, we indicate what activities fall within the scope of a particular package. If our client is interested in a selected package, but would like to add something extra to it that is included in another package, then it is worth contacting the client’s representative who will provide a quote for this additional activity. Our goal is to offer SEO services tailored to the needs of our clients as much as possible.
We follow a simple rule that if something has a direct impact on the positioning service, it appears in the package of activities performed as part of the service. That is why we prepare new content for subpages directly related to keywords – this happens as part of the service. However, if our client would like to have texts written by the copywriter for all subpages, including those not affecting positioning, it will be treated as an additional service and as such an extra priced.
It is not possible that we will do some additional work on the website, and only after a while we will inform the customer that this is an extra paid item.
One of the main differences between Google Ads and positioning is that in the case of the SEO service comes to wait for the results (on the other hand, they are more durable than in the case of Google Ads). Depending on the website we are working on, the existing link profile, the extent of optimization, competition, selected keywords and many other factors, we have to wait for the results for several weeks, several months or even a year. Unfortunately, positioning is not an exact science and there are no simple and guaranteed “10 added links = 5 positions increase in results”.
It happens that the very introduction of optimization brings satisfying results in the form of an increase in position. In practice, we can also deal with situations in which e.g. the next round of links brings results and increases occur. This does not mean, however, that previous actions were unnecessary – it is more about the cumulation effect. Due to this certain unpredictability inscribed in the reality of the positioner’s work, we avoid unequivocal declarations and assurances that the client will have to wait 5 weeks for results.
Just as certain actions translate into position increases, so removing them can mean declines. One of the most common cases in this category is removing meta tag optimization. The introduction of appropriate meta tags is one of the foundations of the positioning process.
During the duration of the positioning service, there are necessarily changes in the Google algorithm. Given the dynamics and frequency of their implementation, there is no way that a 12-month positioning contract would not come across them. Positioners don’t know about these changes in advance about the algorithm. Only after a while they can react to them and implement changes on the website adapting them to new realities. The changes in the algorithm should not be associated only with declines in position. It happens that such an update is a chance for quick promotion in search results (and it does not have to be only a temporary increase). The changes in the algorithm are generally geared to supporting high-quality websites – extensive, interesting content, user-friendly (see e.g. the issue of page speed). If our website falls under this trend, then updates can be its ally.
Can you talk about a kind of SEO primer, something that contains the basics of SEO in relation to each page? Certainly, it is something like a website audit, which we presented in more detail in the section “SEO: Positioning – what are we dealing with?” Of this blog article. This meticulously performed SEO audit provides solid foundations for SEO strategies. While the SEO audit is focused on examining a certain pool of “necessary” (it is difficult to imagine SEO activities in this area, e.g. without evalsuating meta tags, the presence of various types of duplicates, the amount of published content or the possibility of indexing the site by Google network robots – these are absolute SEOs basics for internal auditing), then SEO strategies may differ.
There are many sources of differences when it comes to SEO strategies. In this case, we will focus on a few basic and common ones. Of course, there is also the fact that the SEO industry is not exact science. How SEO services are provided by individual positioners depends on their experience, know-how, tools used, etc. SEO strategies will vary depending on whether:
– we are dealing with a new page or history – a good website history is an
undoubted advantage when it comes to SEO services;
– if the page has already collected
links, and if so – what are the links, where do they come from, in what
quantities does the website have them etc .; the current
link profile is important when it comes to preparing an SEO strategy;
– SEO optimization – has it already
been made, is it the correct optimization, or the desired changes can be
applied safely and without problems to the website; the
time spent on website optimization for SEO must be included in the SEO strategy;
– whether the page has not been
punished by Google (we are talking here first of all about manual penalties –
we are able to act to remove such a penalty from the website by appropriate
It is also worth considering that SEO strategies are spread out over time and divided into stages that are performed in a logical order. SEO optimization, and thus its internal improvement, is usually done before linking. Similarly, even the best optimization will not produce results if the website continues to be penalized by Google.
One of the first activities in the positioning process is the implementation and implementation of its optimization on the website. Do you dream of effective positioning?
Optimization is the point that cannot be missed. Specific websites need to be optimized at various levels; not all sites allow the same. Let us expand on these rather enigmatic statements.
Not every page requires optimization to the same extent – this means that there are pages that do not have, for example, errors in the head section that make positioning difficult, have a well-built menu and internal linking, do not have problems with duplicates. In this case, the positioner does not force on related modifications – because he does not have to. This site gets points right from the start. Therefore, it is worth consulting a SEO specialist when planning a new website and then positioning it. He will certainly suggest what to look for and implement at such an early stage. If the current website has already worked out results and e.g. positions in the top10 or close to this top, then it is worth moving to the new version of the website so as to minimize the risk of declines in already developed positions (and this risk always occurs). Here also an SEO specialist can help.
Not every page allows you to perform optimization to the same extent – it is related to access to the website, as well as the technology in which it was made. Positioners receive access from their clients to allow different levels of freedom of action. Not every change can be implemented by an SEO specialist in such a situation. You may need help from the client or a statement that we consciously abandon its implementation and the potential benefits of it.
Positioners benefit from the support of various tools that provide useful data in their activities. An overview of popular tools from the positioner’s bag has already been presented on our blog in this entry and this entry is still valid. The list of 8 tools mentioned there is of course not exhaustive. An interesting case among the tools listed there is Google Search Console. They are distinguished by the fact that it is a free tool (just like Google Analytics) and … it was not created for positioners (Google does not create any tool for SEO specialists), but for webmasters. It is worth connecting them to your website. It provides information about website traffic (although not as extensive as Google Analytics), and also detects errors in the operation of the website. These errors are important not only in the context of SEO. The presence of subpages with 404 errors on the site may adversely affect the behavior of potential customers on the website and discourage them from making purchases. It is worth introducing redirects in this case, so that the potential customer had a reason to stay within the website and get acquainted with the product range that is close to interesting.
It is similar in the case of problems with adapting the website to display on mobiles devices. Given the growing importance of mobiles traffic and the number of transactions carried out in this way, it is not worth discouraging these customers from a hostile website that is not adapted to mobiles devices. Google Search Console indicates which problems the website faces in terms of mobility (if any, in its case).