Professional website positioning functions on several levels. This concept is not strictly assigned to SEO agencies or freelancers. In fact, regardless of the cooperation model you choose, you will hit right or wrong. What does “hit well” mean in this context? What distinguishes professional website positioning?
An experienced SEO specialist has already seen many pages. As a result, it is easier for him to spot errors, assess their impact and significance for the effectiveness of positioning, and develop a strategy. It is not about a misunderstood routine and the use of one developed template when creating a positioning strategy that does not take into account the specificity of a given website, individual arrangements with the client, his expectations, limitations related to the possibility of modifying the website, etc. Experience is associated with the knowledge of the specifics of, for example, various CMS stores and engines, their strengths and weaknesses, limitations, modifications and optimization. This experience resulting from working with many websites – “years of practice” – will increase the probability that it will be a professional and mutually satisfying cooperation.
A professional SEO specialist is not afraid to say no. Information from customers regarding their expectations, experiences with the positioning service, key elements of the offer are very important and will be useful for the positioner. Good communication increases the chance that the customer will be satisfied. But what to do in a situation where the customer’s idea or his expectations for the service are unrealistic, impossible to implement, exceeding the assumed budget or harmful (even potentially) to the website? The professional will not be afraid to inform the client about it. The apparent consent on such hot spots is usually a harbinger of future problems that will be much more difficult to deal with in the future. It is also worth remembering that the best agencies and freelancers are not under a drip and simply will not take on topics for various reasons hopeless just to squeeze out of them as much money as possible and few effects.
This point is indirectly related to the characteristics of an SEO professional presented in the previous sections. Knowing at the start, among others customer expectations, budget and possible readiness to increase it can propose actions and solutions that take into account these elements and will at the same time give a satisfactory effect. The reaction of the client who hears at the very beginning that reaching the desired goal will take an estimated minimum of 6 months with certain assumptions (here you can insert information about the pace of approving changes or content development on the website) is different from that resulting from over-optimistic messages like ” after a month you will be satisfied ”.
It is not uncommon for an SEO specialist to be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate well and cooperate with people who do not necessarily know the specificity of the services they provide. In short – they don’t say “positioning”. Popular situations in which such contact occurs include the implementation of changes to the website in terms of programming, providing recommendations on how to prepare a new website in terms of SEO, how to create valuable content supporting the positioning process, etc. Depending on the situation, the SEO specialist must be able to convey your message to programmers, creators of a new website, people from the marketing department or the “boss of all bosses” in the client’s company. The real art in such a situation is to find a common language, communicate and convince your point of view communicatively.
Knowledge about SEO and awareness of how it works – there is an upward trend in this regard. We do not hide that, as, we attach our hand to this trend, which deserves the most positive assessment. Our SEO lessons or blog entries are the contribution of Paraphrase-Online Team to SEO – education jug. We know that our clients like it and bring them closer to the specificity of the positioning service. Of course, the positioning service is not the same as an SEO course, but our experience shows that a client who is even at a basic level and equipped with actual knowledge, and not a set of myths about positioning, is a support for a specialist who cares about the high positions of the website. Professional website positioning also means taking care of the client’s knowledge.
Positioning is often one of the elements of a larger puzzle, which is website promotion on the Internet. It is relatively rare that a website is promoted in only one way. Therefore, it is worth talking to your client more broadly about his idea for promotion, about what he uses and what results it brings. For example, if in the case of an online store we propose to rebuild a category, it would be worth taking into account how the Google Ads campaign is conducted. The proposal to create a 404 page should take into account not only SEO issues, but also act as an incentive to stay within the site and look for something else from the current and available offer.
Let’s be honest: perfect SEO services don’t exist. The vast majority of websites that we later come up with require at the start of the implementation of corrections and changes in terms of SEO – smaller or larger, depending on what case we encounter. The matter is simple: websites are created not only for the highest possible positions in Google, but about the presentation of the offer, increasing the number of customers, etc. These goals sometimes conflict with each other, so it is important to work out a compromise that will be accepted by all parties. A customer who likes their one page site may find it easier to accept the suggestion that the new pages should be listed in the menu at the bottom of the page. A similar situation will be the one in which we are dealing with a website without category descriptions, due to the fact that the customer primarily wants to display products belonging to this category and who will not accept the idea with a content block at the top of the page. Although it is a place preferred by SEO specialists to publish content, having the choice of the client’s disagreement for this locations, and the compromise placement again at the bottom of the page, the choice becomes simple … The same is with the “read more” button, which does not it inspires the admiration of an SEO specialist, but it is a better solution than giving up content entirely. The role of the positioner is sometimes to propose something of a compromise if the best option cannot be implemented due to the lack of acceptance for such a plan. Of course, there are situations in which it is impossible to find a solution acceptable from the SEO point of view, reconciling both points of view. It is worth informing the client about this approach to the wall. After all, he is not an SEO expert and does not need to know what the consequences of his decision are for the success of the SEO process. Perhaps a simple and honest statement of the matter will convince him to change his mind.
If you are looking for a method of promoting your website that will bring instant results and you hope that SEO will provide them for you, then… you may be disappointed. Of course, there are cases of websites where meta tag optimization was enough to be happy and to be in the top 10. Such instant routes to the top, however, are a minority of cases. When this path begins to lengthen and at the same time puts the endurance of the customer to the test, using the immortal slogan “add more links“, you may be tempted to follow this path to keep the customer happy, or at least temporarily gain peace of mind. However, is this the best solution? Everyone should answer this question for themselves.
It is the positioner (or a team of SEO specialists) who is responsible for the strategy and plans actions in terms of its likely results. It is not surprising that during the term of the contract there are changes in the strategy, the effect of which is an intensification of activities for selected keywords – for example, for those that are not yet in the top 10. This approach makes sense, as opposed to changes implemented for the sake of peace. Patience pays off – website positioning is the cheapest method of acquiring new customers in the long run.
Not every SEO contract is extended – that’s a fact. There may be many reasons behind such a decision. However, it is worth making sure that the customer does not feel disgust after the breakup. Indexing the website from the search results, damaging it, placing links on it leading to other pages, risking manual punishment from Google… there will be some potential gimmicks in the SEO world.
It also happens that the client, not knowing the specifics of SEO, expects to maintain certain activities also after the end of the contract, and their failure to do so causes indignation. An example may be the links that the SEO specialist acquired for him during the term of the contract. It happens that the client thinks that they will stay with him permanently. To avoid such unpleasant situations, it is worth determining at the very beginning what will happen with the optimization, content added to the website or obtained links, whether they will be removed or will remain as a permanent effect of the positioning agreement for a given website. Clear arrangements in this regard will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations and negative opinions of a bitter or simply angry customer. Professional positioning of websites is therefore also the art of saying goodbye.
]]>If you want to develop your content marketing strategy in a company, from scratch, starting from the blog, publishing content based on SEO or also establishing a company profile on social media, including on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or YouTube.
Content specialists will surely give you many reasons. However, if no one has ever tried to convince you to create a content marketing strategy for your company – here we are!
Having a clear content marketing strategy is much easier to present and explain the activities of the marketing team to other teams in the company that often do not understand or see the benefits of strictly content activities. A clear strategy gives them the opportunity to engage in various initiatives and facilitates communication between departments, e.g. sales and marketing. If you still think that not everyone in the company may be interested in what will be published on the company’s blog or Facebook, I present an example:
A. Your company sometimes publishes something on a blog, usually when the copywriter had a moment off. The person commissioned to take care of the fanpage uploads a maximum of two posts per week on Facebook – but these do not collect much likes (and no one even dreams about comments). Your company on both Google and Facebook has a maximum of 5 reviews – three written by friends of employees and two negative (of course, no one answered) – does this remind you of something? This is a very common example of a company that does not manage its content activities and does not have any pre-determined content marketing strategy. This can be changed very simply. How several guidelines will improve communication that will positively affect the content delivered to your company’s recipients? – about this in example B.
B. With the help of the Content Marketing guide, step by step, or using other sources and your own experience, you create a content marketing strategy – you specify a group of recipients, audit existing activities and check what should be improved, and what went well, you dedicate specific people who will posted on social media and on the blog, you set the publication schedule and distribution method. Finally, this strategy is also presented to other departments, which will most likely add some of their comments and inspiration.
People dealing with publications have in store ideas for content (in addition in various formats), what’s more, the sales department eagerly uses published content and uses the more interesting fragments, e.g. sharing them with potential customers who may be interested in given issues. The analytics department sends some nice data from which you can then create an interesting infographic or blog entry. Both the website and fanpages notice more traffic, and customers encouraged by the sales department write some positive reviews. It doesn’t stop there, of course.
Of course, the presented scenario only looks simple. To create a content marketing strategy, and then to enforce it and improve the published content over time, you need to work a bit. Nevertheless, you can start with small steps.
We marketers are well aware of the benefits of our activities. We know perfectly well that thanks to our publications traffic on the site increases, and this translates into an increase in requests for an offer or an increase in purchases. We also see that the original texts on the site and communication tailored to recipients in social media brings an ever wider group of readers and gathers more and more active fans who read eagerly browse company profiles. It’s logical for us! However, for people who do not deal with marketing on a daily basis, our work often seems incomprehensible, and its benefits are often questioned and undermined. That is why we decided to convince the doubters, including this entry.
Here are the benefits for which you should have a content marketing strategy:
– building the company’s image and recognition (in a relatively cheap way),
– strengthening the position of the
website in Google – by providing more content, well optimized for SEO,
– complementing other marketing and
sales activities,
– positive impact on relationships
with customers: brand fans, brand followers and potential customers,
– strengthening the company’s
position as a leader among competitors (maybe your competition is still
conducting its activities as in example A),
– as a result of these actions:
increasing sales.
And a lot more! You can convince yourself of them only if you finally start acting!
Let’s start with the fact that content can take many forms. So we are not only doomed to simple blog entries, although these never go out of style. Definitely, in 2020 you need to be tempted to diversity and provide information to recipients in various forms, such as:
– blog entries,
– interviews,
– checklists,
– short entries, e.g. in social media,
– guides
– ebooks
– presentations,
– graphics,
– infographics,
– pictures,
– collages,
– Memes,
– short video formats,
– longer video formats,
– live video,
– webinars,
– podcasts,
– case studies,
– reports,
– sheets,
– reviews,
– diagrams,
– games and quizzes,
– competitions,
– UGC – that is all forms related to your product or service that your recipient / customer creates.
– and others that creativity will allow.
Since there are so many options, how to decide which channels and formats will be the most suitable for a given business and target group? Calm head, we are already answering!
There is nothing to hide, this post is also a content marketing activity. We want to give knowledge, but also create a community of marketers around us. Maybe today they do not need our support, but maybe in six months they will go to a new company, they will be faced with new challenges and then they will remember us.
At Paraphrase Online, we’ve focused on several transmission axes, the key to providing industry knowledge.
We create customer guides, blogs and educational entries, we share
infographics, we are transparent as a company.
course, each form also has preferred channels. For
example, about transparency, payroll and results are best shared on Linkedin,
where the business environment involved is particularly interested in such data.
Infographics are great sellers on social media (including on
Facebook), and e.g. blog provides us traffic straight from the search engine.
You can use our knowledge and
experience, their cumulative dose has been made available on our blog.
Simply put, SEO PR is a combination of search engine optimization and public relations activities, which is enriched with SERM, i.e. managing reputation in the search engine, by promoting positive materials about a selected brand and responding to negative ones.
SEO and PR combine primarily content, or content. They are needed for both activities. In order to combine SEO with PR, it is necessary to create valuable content for these two areas of marketing. It is not difficult, but requires the development of detailed guidelines and is more time-consuming than creating typical “pretzels”. The development of such content is associated with higher costs, because you need to write a virtuoso of a pen who will understand the issues of building image on the web as well as the principles of search engine optimization.
The issue of SEO PR is considered increasingly popular and important, and all because the creation of a positive image on the web is a key issue for most companies. It is supposed to bring benefits to both SEO and PR activities – the combination of these fields strengthens SEO activities and helps in positioning public relations materials.
The use of public relations in SEO pays off for every brand. Benefits will benefit both a little-known brand that just wants to promote, and a large company wanting to prevent and control image crises. SEO PR is also useful when you want to build an expert position on the market and fight for high-end clients.
SEO PR often reaches for companies in a crisis situation, when, for example, a lot of negative information about the company appears on the web. In such a situation, campaigns are often one of the solutions often used, during which a number of positive image messages are published. The effect is to reduce the visibility of adverse content. However, SEO PR should be implemented in a marketing strategy in times of prosperity. It will be an effective tool that will help promote the company and its products, and at the same time build consumer confidence and e.g. an expert image. Thoughtful actions will also allow you to obtain valuable links in a natural and quite safe way, and often (importantly) free. For valuable content, the portal may agree that the press release be included for free with the link.
In summary, using public
relations in SEO activities,
– A positive image of companies is
– Increases search engine
– Increases organic traffic on the
– Increases sales,
– Builds a group of new recipients.
SEO RP activities should be conducted in accordance with current Google recommendations and naturally fit in with strategies to build the company’s image. If you want to conduct them, remember to avoid “artificial” actions at all costs – search engine algorithms are more and more sensitive to them and capture them better. Therefore, it becomes necessary to prepare an analysis for UX and plan the creation and distribution of content. In order not to get lost in these activities, it is recommended to create an SEO PR strategy that will determine, among others target group, task calendar, topics covered by SEO PR, issues related to SEO optimization (e.g. list of dedicated keywords, content structure, structural data encouraging clicking on the message), content distribution and promotion tools.
It should be remembered that even the best prepared and implemented SEO strategy will not bring results if you do not constantly monitor and control changes. For SEO PR, good timing and upcoming trends are important. The need for quick response means, with SEO PR, it is worth combining with real time marketing. Orientation in the current situation will allow to use them in favor of the promoted brand or product. You can even use Google Trends to analyze trends.
If you want to use PR in SEO activities, you should not forget to build correct relations with the media. In an era when the Internet is saturated with content, you cannot delude yourself that you will send a low-level text to the portal with a link, and it will place and promote it. To get the press information to a widely read medium, PR should be conducted at a high level and create attractive, unique, timely, correctly substantive content, interesting from the point of view of the reader (and not the company) that you want to reach. At the same time, you cannot expect the publisher to always publish information for free with a dofollow link attached. To avoid disappointment, publication conditions should be set in advance, with links only when the article enforces it. An active link in a PR message should be an integral part of the content, e.g. redirect to content sources, examples, solutions to a given problem, etc.
It is also difficult to talk about the effectiveness of SEO PR if you do not use the tools available on the market. They will help in obtaining data, monitoring effects and changes, building image in search engine. SEO PR tools that are worth paying attention to are:
– Keyword analysis applications – they will help you choose the right
phrases that will be used in published PR materials; both the free Google
keyword planner and free applications can be used to search for keywords;
– Network monitoring tools – their task is to
inform about mentions that appear about the brand; this allows for a quick
response to them, and also indicates where to place bulilding links; SEO tools
can be used to monitor the network.
– Applications that monitor search results;
– Content and content publishing platforms, as
well as Google
Ads and Facebook As
promotion tools that will increase the visibility of produced content;
– Internet forums – can be used not only for
“whispers”, but also for substantive statements of the brand, in
which he will give extensive statements on the topic in which he wants to
specialize; in these statements, you can add a dofollow
or nofollow link naturally (if possible);
– Brand ambassadors – cooperation with influencers
is an increasingly popular solution; it turns out that the correct definition
of its rules can have a positive image effect, as well as increase visibility
in search results;
– Applications for running a virtual press office
– they will enable easier management of databases of cooperating journalists
and faster sending them of press releases; many platforms for running e-press
offices also allow the journalists with whom they cooperate to retrieve
The brand’s reputation in the 21st century is the most expensive currency. Positive opinions and the image of an expert can be won even with a larger competitor that offers cheaper products / services. SEO PR will ensure both the visibility of the page in the search engine and put the brand in a good light. Importantly, thanks to activities carried out effectively, brand visibility on the web will grow rapidly, and Internet users will easily find published content even by asking Google general questions related only to the long tail of search. Entrepreneurs who wondered whether investing in SEO PR should dispel their doubts.
A. When entering the company, ask for all company publications available on the Internet. Review them for possible link placement (no matter if Dofollow or Nofollow) – and under the name (brand) put a link to the main page. At the same time, if possible, rebuild a sentence so that you can add one more link, e.g. to a category, product or service.
B. If the
customer does not have a list of articles, use footprints to search for
articles in the search engine, for example:
– “company xxxx”
– “about company xxxx”
– “at xxxx”
– “by xxxx”
– “by xxxx”
If you already have a list, contact
the editors of these articles and try to put a link there.
C. Make sure that all new PR publications contain a minimum of 1 brand link (sporadically brand + keyword) to the homepage.
D. If possible, put several products with links to them in the article, the full name of the product may be an anchor (don’t forget about nofollow, because it may be necessary).
E. Use all possible Social Media channels to promote your brand – positioning them results in queries about the company name, brand, domain name – search results are the company’s URL and profiles. SERM is also part of PR.
F. Remember
what keywords you are fighting for above all:
– name + reviews
– name + portfolio
– name + rating
Unfortunately, in the case of
phrases such as “name + scammers / bankruptcy” will be a huge
G. Browse the positioned website – implement all possible extended parts to obtain “knowledge graph” – that is the box describing the company: local business, website, organization.
H. Use PBN platforms to get interesting spots for publishing articles (sometimes it’s cheaper). An interesting option is the publication of the article on portals that are in Google News – there is then a chance for a carousel with such articles to appear on brand queries.
]]>The rendering process can be reduced to a situation where the Google bot performs several key steps for the final perception of the website. The first is to download the page, the next – to run the code. Then – on its basis – makes its own analysis of the page layout and the entire structure of the site. The set of information downloaded for a specific assessment is collected by this – usually not perceptible moment – which accompanies rendering of the page. As a result, qualitative content, effective link building or meticulously guarded Google Search Console become secondary factors if website rendering generates errors, delays, departures from the norms adopted by magicians from Alphabet Inc.
It can be assumed – from a technical point of view – that every website is two HTML faces: before rendering and after rendering the resources. The first is a set of basic information generated – from content through images to JS and CSS codes. The second face is the same basic code, but enriched with the changes that HTML has caused. And in this narrow space between the two modes lies one of the paths to SEO effectiveness. How the initially assumed commands are implemented in the user’s browser is one of the foundations of proper operation.
How does it look in practice? Launching a website in a browser causes the server to send specific data to a computer or other device. Data collected in HTML format – as well as, for example, XML – are analyzed by the system in terms of obtaining the planned graphic effect. What is presented on the user’s screen is the rendering effect – regardless of its type. And the types of technology provide a lot: from continuous to progressive.
The reason is simple, prosaic and ruthless: a site that cannot be rendered is not indexed by Google. Does not exist. It’s somewhere in cyberspace, but without much significance and no chance to show itself to the world. Indexation is rendering, rendering is indexation – in this case Google leaves no wicket and mitigating circumstances.
That is why it is so important to check both the home page and other internal websites for, e.g., whether the website contains resources that are blocked or otherwise not made available for Google bots. These are both CSS and JS files or images.
Google has its own rules, bots are walking their own paths, and all this is hidden in a thicket of code to which ordinary mortals outside Silicon Valley have at most limited access. How can you then verify that the website meets the requirements of a search engine ruthless in this context?
The basic option for a long time was a test for mobiles devices. Contrary to what it seems, it does not have to be used only for smartphoness or tablets. Checking how the Google bot downloads and renders a mobiles page also gives an answer to its rendering quality. In a situation where the website is responsive, problems – and a bad result – mobiles rendering also means incorrect adaptation to computers.
In mid-2019, Google announced that the bot would regularly update the rendering engine – Chrome 41 and its function of detecting functions, filling and log errors became the determinant. Blocked resources cannot be seen – after all, the browser will render them anyway – but this path can still be considered as particularly valuable.
It does not require much commitment: just download and install Chrome 41. Before, it is worth uninstalling the other – newer – versions temporarily and backing up bookmarks and files. Having Chrome 41 already, it is enough to enter any URL, and then – in a typical way – examine the page after pressing the right mouse button. This way, developer tools will be open. In the console tab you can see the errors found – just copy the data to programmers to start the process of repairing the shortcomings.
Complicated? The alternative – how trivial! – there is a rendering plugin. View Rendered Source is an excellent solution that captivates with its simplicity of operation.
Plugin link:
As an extension added to Chrome, it shows how the browser has built – and therefore rendered – the original HTML for the DOM, including all Javascript modifications. So if a programmer uses the JS framework – Angular, React JS, Vue.js – it lets you understand how search engines see the page. It cannot be presented clearly: the differences between the “raw” and the rendered version are marked with an illuminated line.
– for mobiles First Index
– due to blocked resources that may make ranking difficult
– verification of the size of photos that may obscure the text
– a simple test whether the firewall is working properly
– crawl budget analysis
– Google Search Console doesn’t show everything (unfortunately)
The general definition defines plagiarism as “The process of copying data from the Internet or using someone’s idea and appropriating it as one’s own.“
This is a highly inadvisable act, which is treated as a fraud, immoral in nature, containing elements of theft and lies. Applying these practices has led to a multitude of anti-plagiarism programs. The main purpose of using this type of practice is scanning text for copied content. The duplicate web content detector not only checks if the text contains stolen fragments, but also reveals the sources they come from.
If you are a student, writer or author of articles for a magazine, you certainly want your work to be unique and one of a kind. Some of the anti-plagiarism systems simply check your text once and give the overall result for the whole. There are also free online plagiarism detection programs that check every sentence of your work in a very intelligent way, focusing on every word. For photos, use the image feedback search tool to check that the image or photo has not been copied from somewhere, and add appropriate sources to prevent image-related plagiarism.
Some bloggers believe that a site with unique content mixed with copied content will gain high positioning. Nothing could be more wrong. New algorithms used by Google approach each site individually. In practice, the page containing the copied content will not pass positive verification for plagiarism, which means that it will not be able to advance among search results. Creating unique content for your website or blog is not easy for you?
We encourage you to use our text paraphrase tool, and in the blink of an eye you will generate the right material.
To a large extent, this type of anti-plagiarism programs consists of a window into which fragments of text or entire paragraphs are pasted to check for plagiarism. Parts of the content that have been copied are underlined in red and their frequency is expressed as a percentage. Such software is most often used by students who, in order to preserve the originality of their content, remove repeated parts of the text. Teachers checking works do the same. SEO managers, expecting 100% uniqueness from their employees, commonly use this kind of tools. Publishing copied content is a serious offense, and thus, most websites check their content before posting it on their own sites.
This is usually a few steps:
A. If the sentence that is currently being checked is already somewhere on the Internet, a red warning will appear and the content will be marked as plagiarism.
B. However, if your content is unique, a green notification will be displayed. After a full scan, an overall result will appear, displaying the extent to which the article is original.
C. Thickness of Key Phrases: Counts the number of keywords contained in your content and gives the result for One, Two and Three words.
Why measure at all? The answer seems obvious. Thanks to the analysis of key performance indicators (KPI), among
– you get measurable results of
your marketing
– you see which of the published content
worked better and which worse
– you can accurately calculate the
translation of the costs of marketing activities into profits from finalized
– it’s easier for you to plan your
next promotional campaigns – so as to better tailor them to market requirements.
The problem, however, is that with the development of tracking and analytical tools, the number of indicators has also increased significantly. Of course, each of them matters. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to break through the thicket of numbers and percentages. So it’s worth knowing which indicators – available e.g. in Google Analytics, on the FB fanpage’s administrative page or in CRMs – have a really great impact on the assessment of the effects of marketing activities. So we discuss the most important ones.
Remember that when it comes to indicators that are important from the marketer’s point of view, there is no single, universal combination of the key ones. There are no indicators that will be relevant in every situation. All because the interactions with the recipient of each type of content released to the web are slightly different. For example, on the landing page you will observe data related to the acquisition of leads, but already in organic activities in social media – rather those related to the involvement of users under your posts. So choose the meters for each type of marketing message that you release into the world. The indicators depend on the purpose of the campaign.
When looking at website traffic, it’s worth paying attention to:
– traffic on the site – the number of page views, the number of unique
website users and the percentage of those returning to the website
are important,
– average time spent on the website and Bounce
Ratio – this will show you whether the prepared content engages users so much
that they want to get to know the information closer, or reject them
– traffic sources – so how did the users get to
your site: by entering its address in the browser, via the search engine, or
maybe from social media or thanks to other external links?
This will help you spread out your accents well when it comes to promoting your
site on individual channels,
– conversion rate – how many visitors to your site
took the action that you expected. For example, on a landing page it is leaving
a lead;
– the proportion of leads to conversions – so how
many of the people who initially expressed interest in your offer went through
the entire marketing funnel,
– cost of acquiring a lead / client – i.e. the
proportion between the amount of expenditure on the promotional campaign and
the results obtained.
It is also worth making a “heat map”, so check which areas of the website were of particular interest to readers – so as to make any corrections to the layout and increase the range and conversion rate.
Slightly different indicators count in social media. It is also an important marketing communication channel that strengthens the brand image and acquires sales leads. But what indicates that your actions on the fanpage bring results? The indicators that should pay your special attention are:
– number of views (reach) – of course, organic reach is the key, i.e. the
one achieved without reaching for a paid promotion,
– the number of clicks on the post – will show how
much information you presented on FB or Instagram was of interest to the
recipient. Each click is evidence of initial interest in communication and that
the post attracted attention but was not scrolled,
– leads obtained through posts in social media –
i.e., e.g. contact details left on the landing page to which they directed
messages on FB or from lead ads,
– engagement rates – it’s about the number of:
likes / reactions, comments and interactions – the more, the higher the
effectiveness of your actions,
– user generated content – i.e. posts / materials
related to your fan page by users, e.g. those in which your profile has been
tagged. This type of traffic can be obtained, for example, by working with
influencers, or by organizing competitions in which the task is to perform just
such an action.
If you reach for paid promotion tools – conversion rates are also important, i.e. the cost of a single post view, click and conversion.
What about sales-related indicators? When analyzing activities in social media, it is usually difficult to obtain unambiguous and error-free data. However, the cost of activities carried out here should be included when calculating ROI, and thus the overall return on investment in promotion compared to the outlays made.
As you can see, there are still quite a few marketing indicators that matter, and the ones above are just the tip of the iceberg. For example, CSR actions (related to corporate social responsibility) may have completely different performance evalsuation indicators, and nevertheless enter into marketing areas (e.g. from the purchase of each product X we allocate the amount of Y to the organization Z).
If you have the impression that it is difficult for you to be among the indicators, you can always go to specialists. They will look at all the data and indicators that have been generated, analyze their relevance and draw conclusions. As a result of their work, you will receive a transparent report that will show you clearly how your marketing activities translated into achieving your goals. It will also be a source of tips for the future – you will learn from it how to improve your work so that its results are even better. Marketing indicators – and more precisely their design in the context of a given action and goal – is one of the most important challenges for a marketer. However, the correct architecture will also make them an unparalleled ally in operations and reporting.
]]>Content marketing is one of the main factors affecting rankings in organic search results. Its use allows:
– tell Google
robots what the page or subpage is about,
– contain key phrases with high
potential, important from the point of view of positioning,
– increase website traffic,
– provide users with valuable and
useful content,
– build the image of an expert in a
given industry,
– increase conversion.
Publishing the content gives search engine robots a signal that the site is still working and is constantly updated. Unfortunately, creating new content, optimizing it in terms of search engine algorithms, and then assessing the potential in terms of profit take a long time. Therefore, before we undertake any content activities affecting website positioning, it is worth finding out what content is worth investing in.
Users like not only valuable, but also current content. For the same reason, they are also valued by Google search algorithms. What is the so-called fresh content? This is content that:
– is associated with recent
events that are gaining popularity (e.g.
natural disasters, individual sporting events, presidential elections,
information on celebrities),
– applies to events that are repeated periodically (Olympic Games,
TV programs – e.g. Dancing with the Stars),
– it is updated frequently and is subject to numerous changes (e.g.
reviews, lists and rankings of the best equipment, which are updated at
specified intervals).
The emergence of new, popular content arouses the interest of both current and new users – regularly published content increases website traffic and clickthrough rate (CTR), which can also affect positioning and position in organic search results.
What content should you choose? In an electronics store, attention should be drawn to an article about the most popular smartphoness or useful home gadgets that improve everyday life. In turn, in the gadget store, an article about 5 best gifts for a partner may turn out to be interesting. What’s more, such content, although related to a specific event, will also be current next year.
However, it turns out that “fresh content” is not always closely associated with the date of publication. It is the search engine algorithms that decide which content will be matched to the user’s query. It may turn out that the “fresh content” will be an article from a few minutes or hours ago, but also from a dozen or so days ago or from the previous month. Example? In the case of the password associated with the presidential election, the search results appear published several dozen minutes ago, a few hours earlier and a few days earlier. In turn, the slogan “the best smartphoness” we see both articles from a few days ago, and 2-3 months ago. Matching the most current results to queries related to current events is the result of two updates – from 2009 on indexing and from 2011 (the so-called Freshness Update), which affected about 35% of searches, and thanks to which today in the search engine we find content recently published.
Therefore, it turns out that Google algorithms prefer “fresh content” only for some queries. They are so-called Query Deserves Freshness (QDF). If Google considers the password to be “fresh”, the results will show recent material, but the time may vary – from a few minutes to several months, depending on the type of query. You can use such searches to create relevant content and increase website traffic, but it’s worth remembering that in the future, when the increased popularity of the query passes, the traffic generated by the material will also be limited. This does not mean, however, to opt out of fresh content, because they can be a source of many valuable links. What’s more, it’s worth choosing the right title for them – the year of publication visible in the search results can affect the increase in the clickthrough rate (CTR), which already has a direct impact on the position in organic results.
For queries outside Query Deserves Freshness, the date of publication of
the article will not have a major impact on your search engine rankings.
Examples of content for which publication time is not important
– recipe for pancakes,
– blog entry titled Which phones case should I choose?
– blog entry titled 5 ways to get a better night’s sleep.
In the above cases, not the
date of publication will be relevant, but:
– value of user information
– use of relevant key phrases in
appropriate density,
– traffic generated by the subpage,
– authority of the site,
– popularity among recipients),
– valuable links to the site
– and many other factors.
Somehow in opposition to dynamic content associated with current or cyclical events, stands the so-called evergreen content, which is eternally live content that does not become outdated despite the passage of days, months and even years and in the long run generates constant, valuable traffic. This type of content contains universal advice, tips and information that is not affected by the passage of time. The carrot cake recipe from 2020 is no different from the one from a few years ago. What materials are covered by evergreen content? Primarily:
– guides (how to choose an exterior door for your home, how to create a
happy relationship),
– industry lists (5 ways to better
sleep, 3 methods of coping with stress, 7 best natural cosmetics),
– case study,
– dictionaries of terms,
– answers to user questions and FAQ
However, this does not mean that the content that users are looking for at all times, regardless of the season or season, does not require editing. Why? Because technology also changes over time. An example is the marketing and internet and positioning industry – the article on SEO myths from 5 years ago will look completely different from the one published in 2020. Therefore, if we have already created a text on such subjects some time ago, it is worth keeping a finger on the pulse and adapting it to the changing information and ways of positioners.
Publishing new content usually involves either creating new subpages or
updating existing ones. It is worth remembering, however,
that adding content or updating it must be a thoughtful strategy, not “art
for art’s sake.” If the newly published content does
not bring value to the user, it probably will not bring you the expected
benefits (more traffic, higher conversions). Therefore,
when updating content, you should avoid practices such as:
– changing the publication date to
keep the content up to date,
– cosmetic, minor changes on the
page (in ads, user comments, JavaScript, etc.).
The higher frequency of updates of a given subpage and website generally causes Google robots to index it more often. A larger number of articles on a page or blog in this way generates more traffic, which indirectly affects positioning, but if this traffic is of little value (e.g. it will increase the bounce rate), then it does not have to be associated with an improvement in the position in organic search results. What’s more, SEO experts are multiplying examples of entries in top10 searches from pages that have not been updated for a long time. Therefore, the frequency of publication can affect website positioning, but does not have to, and there are so many ranking factors that it is difficult to predict the effects.
If the updates are not valuable to the user, then probably Google’s algorithms will not display them in high positions, and the content will not generate the increased traffic or conversions that we care about. Such actions do not make sense, because the content is created in order to achieve specific business goals.
Who said that created content can be used only once? The growing popularity of various forms of communication with users means that the existing material can be transformed into a slightly different one with little effort and reused. Examples?
– A tutorial entry on a blog can be a great base for an infographics or a
podcast, and a series of tutorials material for an ebook.
– Multimedia presentation for
training participants can be converted into a PDF guide (or vice versa).
– Graphics prepared for social
media can also be found as an illustration of a blog post.
This reuse of already existing content is what we call recycling. These activities involve creating new content that is valuable to the
user, based on existing content and has nothing to do with duplication. Content recycling can also consist of:
– article update, which we already
have on the site,
– combining several old articles
into one larger material (remember to redirect to avoid losing links to the
– extension of the guide,
– re-sharing the article on social
media (containing content that does not become outdated).
What are the benefits of
recycling content? Primarily:
– we save time – creating
completely new materials would definitely require more energy,
– we attract recipients interested
in a given medium (some prefer to listen to podcasts, others read blog entries),
– we are increasing the number of
potential recipients,
– we support SEO and conversion –
modern forms of content marketing, if properly optimized, also affect
– we “remind” the content
of search engine algorithms that re-index the page, i.e. evalsuate its content.
It is worth betting on
updating the content if:
– the content can (and even should)
be supplemented with new, valuable information,
– the site has collected valuable
links and you don’t want to lose them,
– the material ranks in the top 10
search results for interesting phrases, but does not generate conversions,
– The site has several articles on
a given topic, but only one of them generates relevant traffic.
Why is it not always profitable to create a new article? Because new content, unlike existing content, doesn’t have valuable links (e.g. from social media). If we want to use their potential, and at the same time we have no idea for new material, then a good solution may be to supplement the content of an existing entry. In the case of new pages that do not yet have a lot of content, it is worth focusing on new content, because these expand the catalog of keywords, which will be visible in search results.
To assess which pages we should update, it’s worth focusing on a content audit. Thanks to this you will be able to verify which subpages bring the expected results, which do nothing for you, and which are potentially harmful. To this end, you can use tools that analyze the traffic generated by individual URLs. Among them are:
– Google Analytics, which shows,
among others bounce rate for a given subpage and the time
spent by the user on a given subpage,
– Google Search Console, indicating the number of views; if there are many views and the time spent on the subpage is short, it
is a signal that the content may be unattractive.
Updating content can be
divided into several stages:
A. Log in to the Google Analytics account and go
to the Behavior-> Website Content-> All Pages section, where we will find
the most popular entries on our blog. On this basis, we preselect pages that
are worth analyzing in more detail. It is worth to read them again, compare
them with similar materials available from competing companies or stores and
think about whether we can expand, enrich or change our own content.
B. We use popular tools – Google Analytics and
Google Search Console. The data stored in them will help us choose the elements
to improve. If:
– you have a high bounce rate, increase the
attractiveness of the content – for example, supplement it with eye-catching
graphics, tables, charts;
– the data shows that the specific subpage has a
low CTR (Click Through Rate), it is worth considering changing the meta data –
title, meta description;
– the subpage generates very few
conversions, focus on visually attractive CTA (call to action).
C. After making any changes, it is worth following
the results in the above-mentioned tools – in this way you will find out
whether the implemented changes and enriched content actually brought the
expected results.
There are content that will always be up to date. However,
because technology is moving forward in many areas of information, current a
few years ago, today is useless. Therefore, it is worth
looking at your site in this respect and checking whether we can improve,
update or improve the previously created content. To this
end, you can bet on:
– interesting combinations (e.g.
data in a table or in the form of diagrams),
– infographics,
– updating statistical data,
– posting the opinions of other
industry experts.
It may also be necessary to verify keywords – phrases popular in the past do not have to be today. It is also worth interfering with internal linking. Why? Because while we often place links to existing entries in new content, we often forget to update existing entries with links to new subpages or blog content.
One way to increase conversions is to update and enrich the content. Many SEO experts have achieved amazing results in this way. Ireneusz Iwański ( increased the conversion rate from 0.54% to 4.82% in one day. An important content update can also be condensing information in one place. Lists with interesting links also attract users and increase conversions. How can this trend be used? If you’re writing an article about featured groups on Facebook, provide links to them. If you create a post about tools for a positioner, put in it links to pages of specific tools.
The Content is King slogan is still alive, but in order for content published on our website to have a positive impact on positioning, you need to spend a lot of time and work. What’s more, user preferences and technologies are constantly changing, and website and blog owners must keep up with them. If we do not have time to create content on our website and update it, as well as regularly enrich or supplement and analyze the results, it is worth focusing on cooperation with an SEO agency. It employs both positioners responsible for technical optimization of the site, as well as content marketing specialists. Thanks to this, the team of experts will not only create valuable materials for the user, but will also update and enrich them as well as analyze their effectiveness. What’s more, by working with a marketing agency, you’ll also get a valuable profile of links that lead to your site. Only in this way – by focusing on comprehensive actions – can you count on the effects of positioning. Because content, although very important, is only one of the elements of SEO strategy.
]]>The change will affect the indexing of nofollow links. Earlier, Google treated nofollow links only as a mark, so these links did not crawl. In other words, they were not taken into account by the search engine algorithm. This changes on March 1, 2020. From March 1, Google will treat nofollow links as a crawl guide.
Some website owners have used nofollow links to prevent indexing of given pages. Typical pages linked to nofollow can be links to user profiles, links to login pages, links to various sections of the website, or links to external (e.g. sponsored) pages. Using nofollow to block Google from indexing pages has never been a good practice. There are more reliable ways to prevent page indexing (e.g. by adding a meta tag noindex to your HTML).
It is difficult to predict how the update of nofollow link indexing will affect the ranking. This may depend on which Google pages will index. Google can configure the rules for selecting pages to be indexed and not. It has not yet been determined whether Google will decide not to index low quality pages.
A. Read the Nofollow update.
Check what changes Google requires. If the rankings or traffic on your site begins to change, please report this problem to the person managing the website or the website positioning specialist.
B. Analyze the nofollow links on your website.
Incorrect implementation of nofollow can lead to unintended consequences. Check how nofollow links are used on your website and decide if it’s time to remove them and go to the noindex meta robots or to assign them the right attributes.
The key concept associated with the definition of whisper marketing is recommendation. What is the point To understand, think about how often you talk to family, friends or colleagues about different types of products. Do you ever share your opinion about the fridge you bought or how the new TV works? You recommend your friends proven repair companies or shops with friendly service. This is what a whisper is based on.
The goals of whisper
marketing are:
– arousing interest in a given
product or brand, encouraging consumers to discuss it,
– creating trends – building
“fashion” for specific products or brands,
– strengthening the brand image
through positive recommendations,
– spreading information about
current promotions, and thus – increasing the likelihood that the customer will
opt for the product.
“Whispering” can be run both online and offline. The second category includes actions led by brand ambassadors. But online whisper marketing is the most prevalsent. This happens because:
– campaigns are easy to carry out – they can even be partially automated,
– you can gain wide ranges in
various communication channels – some time ago the “whispering” on
the forums was the most popular, today this role is taken over by social media,
– You can engage audiences in
discussions about the brand in many ways.
But the divisions are not over yet. Because online whisper marketing alone can also be implemented by various methods – less and more ethical.
Whisper marketing – it’s not just paid posts on forums / social media. The first association many people have with whisper marketing are paid posts placed on internet forums or on Facebook by hired people. I must admit that just a few years ago this was the form most often taken by the whisper. They paid for the mass insertion of positive opinions and whispered ads on various forums, as well as in the form of comments on social media. Today, there are still brands that use this way of promoting themselves on the market – this is common, for example, during political campaigns. Nevertheless, it is worth considering:
– how unethical whisper marketing will translate into the brand image in
the long term?
– how soon will customers realize
that this is an “artificial” campaign and not authentic opinions
published by users?
You may think that an efficiently implemented “whisper” will keep the impression of naturalness. Remember, however, that consumers are becoming more aware and able to better detect intrusive ads. And in the modern marketing model there is no place for them. That is why whisper marketing in this form is slowly becoming a thing of the past. However, this does not mean that the strategy based on recommendations is bad. On the contrary. All you have to do is focus on more ethical and effective in the long run.
Did you know that as many as 88% of users trust authentic, verified online reviews, as do recommendations obtained through personal contact? Exactly. The term “AUTHENTIC” plays a key role here. That is, not those commissioned by copywriters, but prepared by people who really bought the product / used the service.
You may find it difficult to obtain them. But look at the success of Google Maps, which encourages users to post reviews of places they’ve visited. In fact, Internet users do not receive any material benefits from this. Despite this, they willingly share their views with others, building a community of “local guides”. Also think about a rating system that works, for example, on eBay and similar sales portals. How often do you check if the seller has good reviews when buying?
Similar mechanisms can be used to build whisper marketing campaigns. It is about engaging consumers to express opinions and share information about the brand. This is what modern word-of-mouth marketing is all about!
How to get them? Useful will be e.g.:
– enriching the after-sales service
of the customer with an e-mail asking for leaving an opinion, e.g. on the
website of your e-store or portal that serves this purpose,
– affiliate
program that encourages the sharing of opinions about the brand and provides
the customer with “remuneration”, e.g. in the form of a discount for subsequent
– running a campaign based on brand
ambassadors – but those who honestly say they represent it, and engage them in
discussions with community members.
In this form, you can carry out word-of-mouth marketing, among others in social media. You can use, among others, the very popular groups on Facebook. They will allow you step by step to build a community related to your brand.
It is also worth engaging users for discussion in social media. So allow them to review your services / products and respond to both positive and negative voices in the discussion. Open, honest conversation, confessing and honesty will do more than artificial opinions!
Remaining in the circle of marketing strategy based on recommendations, it is also worth mentioning proof of social equity. The point is that if the customer recognizes that other consumers have chosen the product and express positive opinions about it – they are more likely to make a transaction.
And how to use it in the context of word of mouth marketing? Tools that automate messages related to the so-called social proof that you can use, among others in
your online
store. It is worth informally informing people who
are currently in the e-store about:
– positive opinions about a given
product – this is possible thanks to the introduction of a rating system and
quoting the most positive in small pop-ups,
– that someone is watching a
product that interests them, as well as how many people have already bought it,
the number of transactions made that day.
These are, of course, only sample data that can be included in such messages. Their content and frequency should be adapted to the specifics of your e-store. Data related to social proof should also be used in remarketing campaigns.
Word-of-mouth marketing (whisper marketing) can have very positive effects on the results your business achieves. Remember, however, that if you want them to be long-term and improve your brand image – you should only focus on the ethical forms of this way of communicating with customers. In this way you will use the power hidden in real gossip. It spreads at lightning speed, not artificially prepared messages. Are you wondering how to translate these assumptions from theory into practice? Do you want to create a coherent marketing strategy, whose element will be communication focused on obtaining opinions and recommendations? We will help you plan and execute a campaign that will inspire your clients’ trust and increase reach.
]]>Let’s keep uncertainty and start by answering. Yes, it is possible to change the website or completely rebuild it during the positioning contract. Sometimes, it is also strongly recommended or simply necessary to be able to effectively position such a website. The last case does not mean surprises for the customer. We inform you at the stage of inspecting the website before signing the positioning contract that you need to change the website. In individual cases, such a recommendation regarding the site only appeared after signing the contract and transferring access to the site. At that time, the analysis of the website’s construction, possible thanks to the access received, showed that even basic optimization or removal of errors in the website’s construction was not possible (most often it concerned websites built on wizards or proprietary CMS). In our opinion, there was only one fair solution – informing the client about the condition of his website, indicating what can help the website and how it should look new (what should include a good site adapted for positioning), as well as enabling the client to decide whether we are finishing positioning agreement (without contractual penalties, notice periods, etc.) or are we trying to act with current focus, e.g. on external works, hoping that this will bring an effect.
In this case, a lot depends on what stage of the positioning process we are in and what positions the website to be changed. Here we will present several situations and discuss them in more detail in terms of what the change involves and how it affects the work of a positioning specialist.
This is a situation in which the customer will be particularly interested in whether the change of the website and SEO migration will not cause permanent decreases in position. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that this undesirable process will not occur. A lot will depend on how Google evalsuates the new website. Therefore, we are happy to advise you already at the stage of building a website and indicate what is worth making sure that this “shock” associated with the change is as low as possible. The risk of falls always occurs, it is important that this period of decline is as short as possible, and the site jumps as quickly as possible to the positions occupied by its predecessor (and of course improved its achievements) – this is the task of the positioner. Changing the website each time means the likelihood of a decrease in its visibility and traffic.
It is worth noting here that we are talking about a website that will be available at the same address as the previous version of the website. The new domain – even with a properly made redirect from the previous one, which is high in the search engine results – will not inherit its visibility.
In the case of websites with earned positions, it is worth paying attention to the following issues when changing pages:
– Is the new website similar to the previous one, which was successful in search results – is it similar in structure, is it similar in size or even larger (moving from an extensive website to one page is not a step in a good page in terms of SEO) or category names , subpages etc. are similar. It is worth identifying (with the help of an SEO specialist) in the old website those elements that had a positive impact on the positioning process and include them in the design of the new page. These can be category names containing keywords, including space for text on the home page, blog or news that are an integral part of the website, etc.
– Are the content of the new website containing keywords and an offer that matches the phrases to which the website is clearly visible in the search results? If not, then you can’t expect the new webpage to be clearly visible in the search results for these keywords, as was the case with its predecessor. It happens that the new website appears under the pressure of major changes in the company and its offer, in this case a lot of activities related to the website are basically work from scratch.
– Has the existing content been moved to the new website, is there more or have it been cut off for the needs of the new website, or is it missing at all? The positioners’ attachment to valuable content on the website and their suggestions to place it on the main page or in the descriptions of the categories can only be compared with the zeal of an English teacher speaking to the final grade. If the new website in terms of quantity and quality of content is similar to the previous version, then there is a growing chance that the decreases will not be so severe. Of course, if the offer, the scope of the company’s activity or other important issues have changed, even the best SEO supporting text from the previous version of the page is no longer necessary and must be replaced with something corresponding to the current state of affairs.
– Is the new website available for network robots? This includes issues related to whether the site is running (or how long it has been down), the contents of the robots.txt file, meta robots, or cannonical settings. Even the best new website, which has been sensationally prepared for SEO, will remain invisible if it is not available to Google web robots. As a curiosesity, one can give the fact that sometimes (although in very rare cases) it is enough to unblock the availability of the site for network robots to enjoy being in the top 10.
– Access to the website for a positioning specialist. The new website means that the positioner will have to find time to audit it, determine which optimization actions should be implemented first and which may be introduced later. Even a website prepared in accordance with the guidelines of an SEO specialist may require work and corrections, e.g. in optimizing meta tags or redirections. the latter is important because of the links obtained so far. Links to dead pages do not support the site. If these non-working subpages are redirected to subpages that are part of the new site and are available to web robots, then these links are again gaining importance in the context of positioning. The sooner a positioning specialist receives the necessary access to the new page, the sooner he will be able to implement his changes.
In the event that the “old” website did not have specific results and was not in the lead, it is important to improve those issues that blocked growth in the past. It is important to identify them as early as possible and indicate what can be improved during the work on the new site (if these were issues that could not be corrected earlier for various reasons). It is also worth pointing out what was valuable in the case of the previous version of the page and ensure that this asset is also used in the new version of the website. This case is devoid of as much result pressure as the website, which is already present in the top 10. It is important here to create a new strategy that takes into account the changes that have occurred within the site.
The source of very low positions (100 positions visible in the report) may also be a penalty from Google on a given website. Changing the website does not mean automatic abolition. An exception may be a situation in which the new version of the website no longer contains an error that responded to the imposition of a penalty. Such situations are, for example, the old page was a threat to the safety of users (a site hacked) or was punished for texts (hidden text, dramatically low quality content, etc.). If the new site does not commit those sins (respectively – it is safe for people visiting it, has good quality text content, etc.), then there is a chance to remove the manual penalty. Manual punishment can be detected using even Google Search Console.
The case of a site that has been positioned for a long time and obtained a large number of links at that time is special. As we mentioned, links leading to dead pages do not support the positioning process. The way to “save” them is to make redirections correctly. This is especially important in relation to naturally obtained links, e.g. in the case of entries recommending on forums and containing a link to a subpage, the positioner cannot edit them and enter a new – correct URL. The link to the redirected subpage is less valuable than the link directly, but it is better than the link to the down page, which does not present value.
The effect of longer positioning can also be an extensive blog section (with internal linking) or a large amount of content added to the page. It’s worth moving them to a new page. If the content was used to perform internal linking, it is worth continuing to use it, but remembering about any corrections in the URLs of the links.