On the other side of the room in the corner sits a mysterious person. Nobody exchanged a word with her and has no idea where she came from. The mysterious guest holds the cards in his hands and performs magic tricks. After a few minutes, someone finally pays attention to him and begins to comment loudly on the show. Gradually, more interested parties appear, and finally half of the participants gather. Many viewers eagerly cheer on the magician and assist him in performing tricks. Guerrilla marketing works in a similar way.
In the described situation, both people finally draw the attention of other participants to the event. The difference is how much they have invested and how they have communicated to achieve the goal. The main assumption of guerrilla marketing is to achieve the best effect, bearing absolutely minimal costs. How to do it?
Consumers have become accustomed to being bombarded with advertising messages at every turn. No one is able to process all these stimuli, and above all, they do not have the slightest desire. Defense mechanisms allow the separation of grain from chaff. Recipients only pay attention to messages consistent with their interests, meeting the needs or being so interesting and unconventional that you can not pass by indifferently.
Advertisers using guerrilla techniques strive to surprise the recipient and evoke emotions. The safest option is to create a playful creation. After all, laughter is a positive reaction that will consolidate positive associations with the brand. Many daredevils are also trying to use elements of the environment to form brilliant conclusions. The finished composition makes the audience reflect and stays in their consciousness, even if they are not aware of it. Bolder marketers go all the way and try to shock the recipients by breaking taboos. Sometimes such attempts end in a media scandal, but this does not necessarily mean failure. The seed has been sown, and soaring sales results prove that it’s worth taking the risk.
In guerrilla marketing, you do not need to present in detail the distinguishing features of your offer. It would be inadvisable, because it soothes the message, which must be simple and volatile. The campaign is to generate the widest reach and expand brand awareness. This is the first stage of the sales funnel. Importantly, if you skillfully formulate a message, the recipients will do the rest of the work for you. After all, if you managed to arouse their curiosesity and do not know much about you, then they will want to get to know you better. Then you can also gradually reveal more cards. Remember, however, to increase the tension and not to reveal everything you have to offer too quickly. As a result, the interest will be self-driving, and with it you will get the involvement of users.
Mental shortcuts have sprouted around the described phenomenon that would be worth correcting. The articles state that guerrilla marketing is a great solution for companies that have a limited budget but want to generate a large reach and stand out on the market. We are not going to undermine this, but this is not the only solution. It is worth slightly broadening the perspective. Guerrilla activities are also great as a diversification of marketing strategy in wealthier enterprises. Then they will complement the conventional methods and allow paving new routes to reach customers.
It also happens that guerrilla marketing is often seen in the context of offline campaigns. In fact, many outdoor creations have been created because urban space is great in this role. This does not mean, however, that you cannot operate suddenly on the network. Social media, mobiles applications and websites are also a great environment to surprise users.
Netflix has been setting trends in a diverse approach to marketing for years. The American company uses the image of actors, but also does not shun unconventional actions. An example is the installation that stood on the main market in Cracow (Poland). Next to “Erosa bendato”, i.e. the head carved by Igor Mitoraj, a second head was placed, in this case depicting the image of Salvador Dali, who promoted the series “Money Heist / La casa de papel”. According to accounts, the creators only paid $ 69 for 2 weeks of exposure.
In the age of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone repeats like a mantra so as not to leave the house unnecessarily. Streaming platforms turned out to be a blessing at a time when sitting in front of a computer or TV is one of the few forms of entertainment available. What if an almost unlimited database of movies and series is not enough to keep people in check? Netflix has placed posters depicting spoilers from his most popular productions in cities. If you can’t adapt to the rules, you’ll learn what will happen in the next episode.
Noteworthy is the series “The Walking Dead” presents the story of people who are fighting for survival in a world dominated by bloodthirsty zombies. During the promotion of the next season, the creators did not change their clothes and decided to shake the recipients. The promotional campaign used a truck that was splashed with blood and cut off human limbs protruding from the open shed. The whole composition was complemented by the visual identity of the series and information about the release date of new episodes.
Guerrilla marketing in online channels often comes down to responding quickly to user statements. This was the case with the British Virgin Trains line, where Dante’s stages took place. One of the passengers used the toilet but was out of toilet paper. In a gesture of despair he called for help on Twitter. The carrier fished his appeal out of the jungle of fasts and sent a rescue mission. This inconspicuous situation captivated other users who eagerly distributed the publication. As a result, the company could significantly expand its brand awareness while creating a positive image.
Guerrilla advertising seems to be interesting and effective. Under the influence of emotions, one can get the illusory impression that this is the only right approach to marketing, and more conventional methods are a melody of the past. However, this is only an illusion resulting from the specifics of the target group. The goal of guerrilla marketing is to create a message that will spread virally. Thus, the most valuable recipients will be active users of social media, eager to flood the internet with an avalanche of comments about original creations. It should be borne in mind, however, that this group includes mainly younger users who love new products and unconventional practices.
On the other hand, there are more conservative consumers who prefer the classic approach to presenting the offer. They want to have black and white what you can offer them and what they will have from it. Fireworks and weirdness don’t matter to them. Therefore, you can not get carried away. The analysis of the target group plays a significant role and will determine the success or failure of the entire campaign. You must have at least a pre-emptive feeling that your concept will appeal to someone besides you, your friends and colleagues.
The characteristics of guerrilla marketing mean that it will not always suit brands for which a professional image is a fundamental value. In this case, you need to design the campaign very skillfully so as not to shoot yourself in the knee. After all, we expect from doctors and lawyers that everything will go smoothly and painlessly. As long as the creation does not contradict these assets, it will be successful.
Representatives of professions with significantly lower social responsibility have much more room to show off. Restaurant and club owners, artists, clothing manufacturers – they can indulge. The success of products and services in these categories depends on whether they are fashionable or not. As a consequence, guerrilla activities are a great way to create a unique brand image.
Guerrilla marketing is an attractive and effective formula for brands planning to enter the market firmly and create a lot of noise around them. It can also be used by companies that have become slaves of mediocrity and want to finally break through the glass ceiling. Established enterprises may also be tempted to unconventional actions. In this way, they will make standard communication more attractive and remind the world of their existence. In other words, you can take partisan actions at any stage of the company’s operation. However, you have to understand your recipients perfectly and meet them.
]]>Social networks are incredibly lively – certain tendencies, hashtags, challenge, fashion can last only a moment, then disappear. This state of affairs can be a blame and a blessing for people who run their business account on Facebook. If you can react quickly and connect to global or national trends, to make a piece of a promotional cake for yourself, it’s not a problem. If, however, a relationship with the Zuckerberg portal is an unpleasant necessity for you, you have to overcome and put on classic or innovative ways to promote yourself on Facebook.
It is a truism to remind you that promoting your business on Facebook is only possible if you have a company fanpage. Of course, sometimes it is worth repeating to realize how important is an aesthetic, interesting and often updated company website, on which should appear not only strictly marketing materials, but also fun, content-related or interesting content that engages the community.
Content marketing is based on these types of activities, which are based on establishing a relationship with the recipient, talking to him and giving him ready-made solutions. And this is how a fanpage should be run – with respect to the recipient, with a lot of interesting materials, direct returns and promotions for the most engaged fans (which is easy to measure, taking into account the number of likes, sharing or comments).
Fanpage like your website should be aesthetic and substantive. If you do not have too much time to run your account and prepare appropriate posts, graphics and videos, you should use the help of interactive agencies that can conduct your fanpage in a specialized and effective way. There is nothing more discouraging than rare updates, messy graphics and non-aggressive posts with bugs, which can happen when you keep your account from the rush. However, it is worth taking a close look at the agency before making a decision to cooperate so that you do not accidentally enter the mine, as was the case with the cooperation of the Tiger energy drink producer with one of the companies dealing with their accounts on social networks.
Facebook gives you great opportunities to target your marketing content to specific target groups. By using a tool such as Facebook Ads Manager and Audience Insights, you can use your advertising slots, taking into account:
– sex of recipients,
– age, place of residence,
– education,
– marital status,
– interests,
– liked pages.
By defining the target group, effective advertising on facebook is more likely because no funds are allocated for unsuccessful campaigns, targeted at a wide range of people who will not be completely interested in your services or products. If as a receiving group of your advertising content you are interested in married women between 40-55, who are close to the garden, you can direct your sponsored posts to them. However, like any algorithm, Facebook’s advertising tools are not perfect. There is a chance that your advertising materials may appear on the boards of people who will not be interested in your offer or even hostile to a similar form of promotion.
Many, especially young users of social networking sites approach sponsored materials with a certain amount of distrust or even cynicism. Hence, it is worth using substantive and interesting advertising forms, for example in the form of video content marketing, which will not leave too much room for quotes and negative comments. However, if the post is displayed on the boards of people who will quickly share their tart and unpopular opinion, it is worth reacting calmly, not responding emotionally or clichédly. The ability to clash with even unjustified criticism is an important element of building the company’s image. Recipients appreciate brands that can come out with class even from the worst oppression, caused for example by a troll web gang.
Your promotional activities can not be closed only on Facebook. It is also worth to use the linked to the Zuckerberg portal Instagram, Youtube or of course your website. In posts on Facebook, it’s worth using linking to your website, so that part of the scope can be redirected to it. Internet marketing should be as diversified as possible, but it is Facebook, thanks to the almost monopoly position it has developed, that you have to choose as the center of your advertising activities. You can use for this, apart from interesting sponsored posts or a diligently run fanpage, also the so-called market place, which allows you to directly sell your products on the portal.
Facebook seriously joined in the fight, wanting to become thanks to the market place specem option also in the classifieds section. Many of the recipients can only reach your company account without going to the site, so it’s good to give them the opportunity to buy your products directly on Facebook.
It’s also good to keep in touch with people who like your company page. It’s unacceptable to not receive private messages or comments. Every client wants to feel special, so you have to treat him like that, meeting his needs and answering even the most schematic messages and questions.
]]>Paraphrase is a term in the field of literary theory and means: the free processing of a literary work, developing and modifying the content of the original; the preserved similarity of construction and style allows to recognize the paraphrased song.
Paraphrasing we also call the poetical translations of foreign-language poetry that are more loose than in a typical translation. I mean, for example, the poetic translations of the biblical Book of Psalms made by Jan Kochanowski and Czesław Miłosz, whose authors do not translate the source texts “word for word”, but approach this issue very freely. Paraphrasing we also call, for example, many of the Songs of Jan Kochanowski, which are sometimes very distant from the originals, not even translations, but the original works that keep the meaning of the original.
Compare, for example, the final two stanzas of Song II.24 by Jan Kochanowski:
Moscow and Tatars will know about me,
And various English inhabitants of the world;
I am German and brave Spaniard, they will meet me,
Which deep stream of Tybe drink.
Let no grumbling at the funeral,
No complaint or accusation:
Candles and bells give up, and mar expensive,
And with a voice of mourning altars singing!
with the same fragment of the Poet’s Song – Horace’s bird:
I will be met by the Argonauts by Colchis,
The Gauls country , Dak, which suppresses fear,
and Gal from Rhone and from Ebro
Spaniard drawing water
I do not care about the funeral, the appearance of mourning,
futile songs, complaints and grievances,
Do not set fire to my pile
in a shout for vain glory.
This is certainly not a translation, because at first glance, it can be seen that the paraphrases of Kochanowski differ too much from the original to be considered a translation. On the other hand, the preservation of the general sense of the original and some similarities in the structure allow to conclude that Kochanowski modeled on Horace. So it is not a translation, it is also not a completely independent text – it is simply a paraphrase.
It should be noticed in this place that sometimes it is difficult to say whether we are dealing with a poetic translation which, by its very nature, gives the author a certain, even substantial, freedom in the choice of linguistic means (a literary, philological translation of a poem would kill his poetic character) already with a paraphrase.
Periphrasis, also called discussion include: the replacement of a word by a group of words which are descriptive or metaphorical equivalent of its meaning.
Speaking in a more understandable language, we could define periphery as saying something indirectly, but in a longer way.
Periphrasis character (because this is the adjective from the word periphse) also has many euphemisms, or expressions aimed at avoiding drastic or vulgar content. For example, the phrase “I will kick you where your back loses its noble name” or the saying of Winston Churchill, which instead of saying that someone is “a liar”, used to say that “he is economical in telling the truth”. Originally, the periphasis was a stylistic measure aimed at eliminating the vocabulary used in everyday life from poetry. Over time, it has also entered other areas of the language, and many of them have come into common use.
]]>Our data shows that the average time to obtain a position on the first page of the ranking takes about 3 years, and only 5.7% of all surveyed websites are in the top ten search results within 1 year for at least one keyword.
Those of you who are planning to start positioning your website immediately relax – our experience shows that these data can actually be translated into more developed markets like USA, UK or DE.
– Only 5.7% of pages, TOP10 was achieved during the year,
– 19.5% of websites occupy positions 11 to 100,
– However, almost 75% remain outside the first hundred, which in theory has zero or negligible traffic from organic search results.
Persons responsible for the experiment, draw further conclusions, and more specifically dependence – the value of DR (Domain Rating – ahrefs domain rating) and positions. Parties with a higher DR coefficient manage to get better and higher positions much faster. The DR coefficient itself is calculated based on the power of links leading to the domain.
There is a certain dependency during the “embrace” of the position depending on their link profile, the larger the DR, the faster the higher positions are occupied:
– DR domains = 80 – 9% obtained positions from 1 to 60 days, 47% within 60 to 121 days, 22% within 122 to 182 days, 6.7% 183 days to 243 days
– DR 50-60 domains – 9% received positions from 1 to 60 days, 41% within 60 to 121 days, 22% within 122 to 182 days, 8.7% 183 days to 243 days
They have in mind the above, which is why an important aspect is the regular acquisition of quality links (although this concept has no definition, we will try to bring our perspective on this aspect closer below).
Our definition of a qualitative link (at least approximate):
– come from a domain with a high Domain Rating,
– come from the subpage with high UR (URL Rating – another coefficient showing the “power” of the relevant subpage),
– the website should have adequate visibility in Google (it can be measured, for example, via the Senuto tool),
– be thematically related or even appear in organic results for the same or similar keywords,
– of course, have natural traffic on the site.
The experiment once again proves that positioning websites is a process that requires time, and thinking about cooperating, secure an adequate budget for this “investment” and be patient. In case you are interested in near-instant results, we recommend Google Ads campaigns.